Bridlington Creatives

Our group is open to all artforms, artistic practices, abilities and levels of experience, whether you self-define as a professional artist or simply enjoy doing creative things.

What is it?

A way for creative people who live in the area to talk, share and collaborate. Support in creating opportunities for professional development, training, funding or paid work in the area.

Who runs it?

ARCADE, supported by the Arts Council ​

What does it do?

Giving freelance artists and creatives working/living in Bridlington a voice.Connects people and fosters collaboration.Promotes opportunities and training.

Where and when?

At the moment it's just on Facebook but as we grow we will aim to hold some in person socials.


This is an inclusive and anti-racist group, open to people from all backgrounds.We will aim for sessions to be as accessible as possible, please let us know in advance if you have any access requirements. Age 16+

Join us!

To stay up to date, we recommend joining our Scarborough Creatives Facebook Group.This is where the upcoming meeting dates will be arranged and posted.