Photo: Andrew Benge

Grue for Bradford 2025

by Wintercroft and ARCADE

A popular immersive walkthrough installation which started life in Scarborough was part of a national platform, as part of the programme for Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture.

8-23 February 2025

Bowling Green Mills, Bingley, BD97 1AD

Suitable for all ages

Photo: Andrew Benge

An extra-special wintry world built by the people of Bradford

In this enchanted landscape, visitors took on an important mission: helping our historian to solve the mysteries of Damart Mill. Travelling through Five Rise Locks, Bingley town centre, into the air and under the ground, audiences were sent on a mission to find Elsie the Dream Dragon. 

Dreamed up by artist Steve Wintercroft and built entirely from recycled and repurposed materials, Grue was built by communities in Bradford and made entirely from recycled and repurposed materials. This fourth iteration of Grue was double the size of previous versions, allowing us to upscale the magical world.

With community workshops, volunteer involvement, actors from the region and a post-show activity for audiences, the magic of Grue truly travelled the 83 miles from Scarborough to Bingley.

Artist Steve Wintercroft

Steve Wintercroft leads an environmentally conscious design company specialising in helping people make masks from waste card.
He’s published seven papercraft books and worked on projects for Damien Hirst, Sir Paul McCartney, Björk and Game of Thrones.

Partners and Funders

Funded through public funding from the National Lottery by Arts Council England and Bradford 2025 UK City of Culture